Bananinhas (Portuguese for “little bananas”) is a baking blog and the brainchild of an avid baker, fruit lover, music listener and cat hoarder (Er, “animal lover”), who resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

While the creator of Bananinhas‘ passions focus on animal rescue, animal rehabilitation and all things related, cooking (especially baking) has in the last few years become a prominent hobby and something that is a constant challenge and experiment. Trail and error is the basis of becoming a good baker, and this blog somewhat emphasizes that.

Bananinhas‘ centers around it’s creator’s next to manic love for fruits (primarily those of the tropical variety) and heavy appreciation for all things foreign and generally delicious. Recipes are typically low on fat and oils, moderately low on sugar, high in deliciousness (?) and usually teeming with things that typically do not cause obesity and heart failure, in contrast to many other baked goods. This is a blog for people who enjoy baking things that are relatively wholesome and simple, as opposed to things laced with diabeetus and the death that is usually associated with it.

This baking blog is open for comments, open for suggestions, and open to teaching to and learning from other people. That is what cooking is about, after all. Thank you for reading☆

1 Comment »

  1. Lolol, I love the picture you posted! I can’t wait to see what you make, better post up the recipes to your creations so I can steal them. xD

    Comment by Nanners — March 27, 2010 @ 7:03 am

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